Finding an ENT specialist who will take the time to listen and answer your questions can feel like a needle in a haystack. Even if you only have one ear that seems to bother you, it’s important to find the right doctor.
ENT specialists specialize in helping people with conditions that affect the outer ear, the nose, and the throat. They are also known as ear nose and throat doctors (ENTs) or otolaryngologists. There are many ways to find an ENT doctor who is willing to help you, but it might be helpful to know what makes for a good physician.
Craving more details about how finding an ENT specialist can change your ENT practices? Read on for more information about today’s best practices when it comes to selecting an appropriate doctor.
Is the Doctor Board-Certified?
One of the first things you can look up online is the doctor’s board certification. Board-certified means that the doctor has completed at least one year of residency at an accredited medical school. This means that the doctor has completed at least four years of medical school, which is one of the biggest differences between board-certified doctors and general practitioners. Typically, board-certified physicians specialize in one area of medicine. For example, most ENTs specialize in otology, phoniatrics, or surgery. So if you are looking for an ENT, you want a doctor who specializes in otology, but you also want an ENT who understands phoniatrics. When researching, make sure you are careful to read the doctor’s bio and qualifications and not just the list of credentials.
Does the Doctor Have Experience with Your Condition?
Ask the doctor if he or she has experience treating your condition. If someone has not been treating patients with your condition, they are not likely to have the right expertise to treat you. For example, if you have hearing loss, you want someone who is well-versed in the subject. If you have allergies, you want a doctor who knows how to do food allergy testing and has experience treating patients with allergies. To confirm this, ask the doctor questions about his or her experience with your condition. Does the doctor know the most current research about your condition? If there are any new treatments for your condition, does the doctor know about them? If there are any new technology advancements in how ENTs treat your condition, does the doctor know about them?
Does the Doctor Listen During Your Visit?
While some doctors are happy to have you fill out a questionnaire while they examine you, you will get a much better experience if the doctor is actively listening to you and giving you answers. When you are meeting with the doctor, it might be a good idea to take a few papers or books with you that include information about your condition, your ENT treatment, or other relevant information. Additionally, you might want to bring anything else that you have collected related to your condition. This can include pictures, videos, a journal, or anything else related to your condition. While the doctor is examining you or examining the ear, nose, and throat, try to keep your journal nearby or in your bag so you can easily refer to it during your examination. You want to make sure that the doctor sees all of this information so that he or she understands how you are experiencing your condition.
Is There Anything Else You Can Put Forth For consideration?
Finally, don’t be afraid to ask the doctor if he or she has any additional information that you can read or questions that you can ask. This might be something you have been wondering about, or it might be something you have read online and would like to confirm with the doctor. If your doctor has a blog, you can easily message him or her and ask if he or she would be open to an interview. You can also find doctors who have social media pages that you can message. Sending a message to the doctor asking if you can interview them is a great way to find a physician who is comfortable with the idea and opens the door to more information.