When you are looking for a lactation consultant in Maryland, you need to know how they can best help you and the questions to ask. This is someone who will take an amazing journey with you and your family, making it important that you know what they can offer and that they know what you are looking for in a consultant.
First, you should make sure that they understand your lactation goal. If you are someone who is not going to be able to be around and you need support with pumping, you should make that information available upfront.
If you want to move towards always being available and are looking for resources that will allow you to have a 24/7 lactation journey with your child, that is also something you should mention upfront. Knowing what you expect and what you want will help your consultant guide you toward the right choices before you even give birth.
Second, you need to make sure that your consultant is going to be available on your schedule. Information about your due date is important to ensure that a consultant will be available when you go into labor and for those first few nursing experiences.
It is often at this juncture that problems such as being tongue-tied or having nipples that require assistance from nurses are identified. Making sure that the information provided is accurate when you first look into booking can help prevent a situation where you feel that you didn’t receive the help that you needed when you needed it.
Third, you need to identify how long you want the consultant to work with you and your family. This will usually be discussed during the first meeting, but it will help your mobile lactation consultant appointment go smoother if you know your desires in terms of feeding longevity.
If you want to extend breastfeeding and want to work towards that as a goal from the beginning there are a number of resources available that will make it easier for you to get started, stick with it, and go until you feel that the needs of your child have been best served.
The main things you need to know before booking a mobile lactation consultant come down to what you want them to do for you. No one can tell you that you are doing it wrong, because your journey through parenthood is your own. Consults are here to make sure that the journey goes as you envisioned it, letting you set the pace and write your own story.