
IMRO Code of Ethics

As a means of achieving and implementing ethical research practices, the IMRO endorses the following Code of Ethics:

The use of interactive and Internet research technologies provides an unprecedented communication mechanism for the exchange of ideas on a worldwide basis. These same tools also have the potential for misuse, particularly in consideration of the privacy rights of individuals. The Interactive Marketing Research Organization is founded on the principles of upholding the highest standards of both ethical and professional conduct in the use of research technologies.

Over and above normal standards of research, our professional activities shall be conducted with particular respect for the individual’s right to privacy, both in terms of confidentiality of information collected during the marketing research process and the right to be free from unsolicited and unwanted contact.

Rights of Confidentiality
By default and design, confidentiality shall be granted for all information collected from customers and individuals and will be used for the clearly stated and intended purposes only. All personal data will be secured against access by third parties and/or unauthorized individuals or organizations.

Rights of Privacy
The right of the individual to be free from unsolicited contact is duly recognized. By default and design, customers and individuals will have the right to opt out of the research process. Specifically, IMRO members will abstain from the following types of surreptitious sampling and unsolicited or unethical recruitment techniques, known collectively as “spamming:”

Surreptitious Sampling can include but is not limited to the following:

  • Collection of respondent emails from Web sites, portals, Usenet or other bulletin board postings without specifically notifying individuals that they are being “recruited” for research purposes;
  • The use of Spambots, Spiders, Sniffers or other “agents” that collect personal information without the respondents’ explicit awareness;
  • The purchase of bulk email addresses from sources that have not provided verifiable documentation that the individuals on the list have opted for contact for the purposes of research; and/or
  • The use of client customer lists that have been assembled without the express consent of the individual for future contact via e-mail.

Unsolicited/Unethical Recruitment (Spamming) can include but is not limited to the following:

  • Unsolicited email recruitment of potential respondents;
  • Misleading or off-topic newsgroup postings designed to “trick” a potential respondent into participating in research;
  • Junk mail sent in bulk to recruit for studies or panels;
  • Scamming, which refers to the practice of recruiting under false pretenses (e.g. recruitment for research that is in reality a sales or contribution solicitation pitch);
  • Spoofing, which refers to the practice of putting in a false or missing return email address; and/or
  • Chain or “buddy” letters aimed at recruiting respondents’ friends, relatives or colleagues for studies or panels.

In all cases, the purpose of research conducted by IMRO members will be clearly and accurately stated along with the limitations of the use of personal information gathered. Individuals will have the right to be removed from potential research respondent lists and given a clear and simple way of communicating such a decision. Members will not willingly and knowingly mislead respondents as to the parameters of the research process including length of survey, incentive, use of data, etc. IMRO members will at all times conform to the 1998 Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and not collect personal data from children under the age of thirteen without the express approval of their parents or guardians. IMRO members pledge to comply with the local, national and regional laws and regulations regarding the use of all modes of data collection including both interactive and traditional channels of communication in the countries where research is being performed.